India States and Capital

Indian States and Capital

We all know that India is a federation of 29 states plus 6 Union Territories plus Delhi which is both the city and the union territory of India. The territories are controlled by the federal government.  All the states of our country are diverse and unique culturally, politically, and demographically. However, over the years we have seen that there is diversity in unity and our country is definitely an example of this.

Despite Hindi being the official language of India. Each of the states has a different official language. India has 22 official languages which are a part of the Scheduled Languages of India. This is not including the other hundreds of minority languages or thousands of dialects whose speakers number in the population of millions is low.

This is a better proof of the acceptance of diversity in India. Let’s take a look at these states and union territories that are all diverse from each other in formation, culture, languages and traditions.

States and Capitals of India 2023 – Complete List

If you are wondering how many states are there in India and what are the capitals of them then you need not to worry because here we’ll provide you the list of States and their capitals in 2023 in the below list.

The Indian States and their Capitals 2023
State Name Capital
Andhra Pradesh Amaravati
Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar
Assam Dispur
Bihar Patna
Chhattisgarh Raipur
Goa Panaji
Gujarat Gandhinagar
Haryana Chandigarh
Himachal Pradesh Shimla
Jharkhand Ranchi
Karnataka Bengaluru
Kerala Thiruvananthapuram
Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
Maharashtra Mumbai
Manipur Imphal
Meghalaya Shillong
Mizoram Aizawl
Nagaland Kohima
Odisha Bhubaneswar
Punjab Chandigarh
Rajasthan Jaipur
Sikkim Gangtok
Tamil Nadu Chennai
Telangana Hyderabad
Tripura Agartala
Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
Uttarakhand Dehradun (Winter)

Gairsain (Summer)

West Bengal Kolkata

Important Facts about the States of India 

There are total 28 states of India and you should know the important facts about them, here we have mentioned some essential facts about the states in the below-given points.

  • In India, the state has its own administrative units with their own elected Government.
  • The executive head of the state is Governor.
  • The relationship between the state Government and n Central is known as Federal.
  • The state is administered by the Chief Minister and elected by the People.
  • In India, states are grouped together under regions like Northern Region, Eastern Region, Western Region, Southern Region, Central Region, North-eastern Region, the Chief Minister is the real head.

28 States of India And Their Capitals In Hindi

भारत के राज्यों और राजधानियों की सूची – 2024
भारत के राज्य राजधानी
आंध्र प्रदेश

विशाखापत्तनम (31 जनवरी, 2023 को घोषित)

अरुणाचल प्रदेश ईटानगर
असम दिसपुर
बिहार पटना
छत्तीसगढ रायपुर
गोवा पणजी
गुजरात गांधीनगर
हरियाणा चंडीगढ़
हिमाचल प्रदेश शिमला (ग्रीष्मकालीन)

धर्मशाला (शीतकालीन)

झारखंड रांची
कर्नाटक बेंगलुरु
केरल तिरुवनंतपुरम
मध्य प्रदेश भोपाल
महाराष्ट्र मुंबई
मणिपुर इंफाल
मेघालय शिलांग
मिजोरम आइजोल
नगालैंड कोहिमा
उड़ीसा भुवनेश्वर
पंजाब चंडीगढ़
राजस्थान जयपुर
सिक्किम गंगटोक
तमिलनाडु चेन्नई
तेलंगाना हैदराबाद
त्रिपुरा अगरतला
उत्तर प्रदेश लखनऊ
उत्तराखंड देहरादून (शीतकालीन)

गैरसैंन (ग्रीष्मकालीन)

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